Let's get physical..... distancing
No this is not a story about getting out and exercising. I want to share an observation I have had recently in our crazy world we wake up to every day now.
There is a lot of talk about social distancing. The words concern me. I still want to be social with you. I know I must be physically distant from you, but I still want to connect and be with you.
The words social distancing just fall off the tongue right now. Two words that up until recently would never have been uttered. Now they are a common phrase. I want to encourage you all to think of another way to frame our physical separation.
We all need to be physically distant. But there is still a need to connect, deeply connect. That might mean using our technology to support that separation. Or it could be a letter, card, or standing physically apart and talking.
When you create that space for connection, deeply connect. Open your heart. Listen to the words being said, and what that feels like within your heart. Listen to what isn’t being said, the pauses, the sighs. If you can see the person what signals are you picking up? Are their eyes bright? When they smile does their whole face light up? What can you feel? And finally, do you need to ask the question “are you OK?” This is a deep listening and connection we need to build in all our conversations being held right now.
So, lets keep our physical distant but not our social distance. We are social beings, we need that connection, to be heard, felt and loved. Our connection and joy when we see a friend smile, a family member laugh or a loved one cry is the social connection. That is something we need to keep, not be distant from.