Building and Finding Your Way
Gently placing one stone on top of another. Crash! And we all erupt in laughter.
Nearly 10 years ago the family was lucky enough to relocate to Canada for a couple of years. We had a great time and many experiences we all remember as a family. A regular weekend activity was to go hiking in a local national park. Everywhere we went we always saw these stone ‘castles’ along the side of the path. Eventually we learned these were Inuksuk’s which were a manmade stone landmark used by the Inuit and other peoples of the Arctic region of North America.
It is thought that the inuksuk may historically have been used for navigation, as a point of reference, a marker for travel routes, fishing places, camps, hunting grounds, or to mark a food cache.
And so everywhere we went we would try and build these stone markers as a monument for where we had been. The kids would very carefully select particular stones and then we would each take turns to add our stones and finally give thanks to the place we were visiting. It was a beautiful practice and one I still try and do.
These markers or navigation points can also be used as you traverse your personal journey around purpose or ‘what should I do when I grow up’. People laugh as I refer to the ‘what should I do when I grow up’ statement like this is something that we should have all worked out when we leave high school. I would say for most people they have not really answered this question. Yes, you might have a job or career, but is that ‘job’ what feeds your soul?
Unlocking your purpose is not an overnight hair treatment either. Generally, it is a slow process of marinating thoughts incorporating your values, beliefs, what you stand for and what you stand against and listening to your soul sing when you are working with purpose.
So, like the Inuksuk we need to place markers along the way to recognise when important parts of our selves are revealed, so they are remembered, and we are able to come back to them easily. A great practice to enjoy next time you come across some stones it to think about your values and choose a stone for each of your most important value or belief. Then set up an area and place each stone/value on top of each other speaking the value out loud as you position. When you have built your Inuksuk give thanks (maybe take a photo as well). If you are a regular hiker, you will get lots of practice creating these life markers.
This photo is from Noosa National park where I was doing this practice. During the careful placement of stones, I realised I needed to launch my ‘Finding Your Way’ program. You see my purpose is to help others navigate their souls’ purpose and Find Your Way. It made perfect sense and the Inuksuk is the perfect representation of this.
Interested in finding your way? Reach out and we can have a chat on how this might work for you or read up on the program section of my website. Its never too late to work out ‘what you should do when you grow up’. It’s taken me quite some time, but I’m happy to share my journey points and navigation tips.
I’m not sure I will ever ‘grow up’ but I am very clear on what my soul wants to share with you.