What is your word for 2021?

I thought 2020 was going to be THE year. It was going to be my year ……….. #adventure

Each year I choose a word for the year. The word is meant to represent my hopes and dreams, or inspiration for the year. My word for 2020 was #adventure.  We had planned to take the year off and travel the world. No tight schedule, just general plans for regions across the world. Kicking off hiking in New Zealand for a few weeks, then off to Europe chasing snow across France, Italy, Austria or wherever the best powder was falling.

#Adventure seemed to sum up the intention of the year, in fact it still does. The travel might have been cancelled but the sense of adventure followed me throughout the year. I had the luxury of adventuring into my soul and explore what I really wanted to do with my life. We also adventured within Australia, had zoom adventures and took on the adventure of training a guide dog puppy – Greg.

For 2021 I was really stumped what the word should be. The world has changed so much. One word just didn’t seem to capture the enormity of this ever-changing landscape. Whilst Australia seems to have weathered the COVID pandemic well, the future is still precarious to say the least. Uncertainty, unpredictability, changing structures and the way we have always done work continues to evolve.

So, my word for 2021?


According to the Oxford dictionary, liminal means “relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process”. I feel this is the perfect word. We can never go back to the “old” ways pre 2020. But we haven’t quite worked out the shape of the emerging new world. I am in a transitional phase. Continuing to work on Finding My Way, establishing new ways of working in my consulting business, transitioning to life without Greg (when he moves onto his next family) and so many more things I am yet to consider.

I look forward to this transitional phase. It means I am continuing to grow, be curious, open and honest. I am also grateful for the #adventures I was lucky enough to enjoy this year.

When you see #liminal at the end of my posts in 2021, it will be a reminder of the transition we are navigating, the new ways emerging, thoughts being spoken and story’s being told.

Do you have a word for 2021 yet?


Death of an Ego